Judge real songs from real music artists around the world.Do you have the ability to judge if a song...
Judge real songs from real music artists around the world.Do you have the ability to judge if a song is a hit or a miss?Listen to a 40 second song clip and either swipe right (like) or swipe left (dislike).Music artists of all genres and music fans from around the world get to hear andjudge real music.Artist levels: Amateur, Local Star, Star, Superstar, Hall of FameFan levels: Fan, Super-Fan, Influencer, A&R, Music MogulMusic artists, do you really make good songs? Do you really think you have what ittakes to be a superstar? If so, download this app and submit your songs and letthe world be the judge!Music fans, do you really have good taste in music? Can you really judge what a hitsong sounds like? Do you have what it takes to be a music mogul? Join this appand put your skills to the test.Music artists can finally test their songs with music fans all around the world.Siono will make it fun for music fans to discover new music.Invite your friends to connect and do song challenges to see who really knows howto pick good music!How to play:Users can join as a music artist or a music fan.If you join as a music artist, you must add a profile picture and upload a full lengthsong in either MP3 or WAV file format.If you join as a fan, you must add a profile picture to your account.Music artists as well as music fans will play the game in the same manner. Earn orlose coins based on your ability to pick good songs.All players (Music artists and music fans) will hear a 40 second song clip on the“Discover page.” Please note: On the “Discover page” players will only hear a 40second song clip, no video, no photo, no song titles or artist name, players willonly hear the 40 second song clip and will have to make a choice based on thatsong clip. After listening to the 40 second song clip, players can either “Hype It”swipe right or “Swipe It” swipe left. If a player likes the song clip they will swiperight or tap on the heart, if a player does not like the 40 second song clip, they willswipe left or tap on the X.If a player “Hypes” or swipes right on a song, then it will reveal the name of thesong and who the artist is that made the song. If a player swipes left on a song,then the song will be removed and another song will pop up for the user to hear.Please note: If a player swipes left (dislikes) on a song, the song will disappear andthat player will not learn any information about the song.Invite your friends to do a private song challenge. Players can enter songs they likeinto a “Song Challenge.” A song challenge is when a player likes a song and theywant to make a personal or public bet that the song they like will get more “Hypes”(Swipe right) than any other song that enters the challenge. The song challengecan be private or public, which means a player can challenge one of theirconnections or they can have an open challenge that anybody can join.Siono is about giving all music artists an equal opportunity to get their musicheard. We have leveled the playing field, no titles, no photos, no videos, and nosilly popularity metrics, just music! We invite all music artists from all genres tojoin Siono and test out your songs with a global audience.